Shannen Kiely inspires members on International Women’s Day
Hire & Rental Mar 09

‘Break the bias’ was the topic of the HRIA members’ International Women’s Day 2022 webinar featuring special guest Shannen Kiely, on March 8.
In 2020, the 29-year-old was appointed as managing director of supercar team Erebus Motorsport and she has made a success of the high-profile role ever since.
Shannen inspired the live HRIA audience with the story of her rise from what she called ‘stereotypical female’ jobs in the heavily male-dominated arena, and her down-to-earth attitude.
Erebus Motorsport was established in 2011 by team owner Betty Klimenko. Since then, her supercar brand has grown to compete with the biggest names in Australian racing.
Shannen said during the online event that during a phone call between the two women to problem-solve an issue about 18 months ago, Betty shocked her with the offer of the managing director position. At the time, Shannen was general manager, communications, with about 10 years’ experience in motorsports and six years at Erebus.
“No way I was going to say no to the opportunity, even though I didn’t see that for myself,” said Shannen, who credits Betty for having the supportive attitude that ‘your skillset should do the talking, not your gender’.
HRIA members can login to watch the hour-long webinar here. Visit the Erebus Motorsport website to read more about their history and latest news.