Design requirements for Telehandlers updated
Martin Sinclair May 20

The Telescopic Handler Association of Australia (TSHA) is pleased to advise that the Design Registration Requirements Matrix for Telescopic Handlers in Australia has just been updated. Version 5 is now available on the TSHA Website and reflects the latest feedback from state safety regulators – Click here
While all states work towards more harmonised Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) Regulations, there are still variations, so the matrix offers handy guidelines regarding design
registration of Telescopic Handlers.
- NOTE A: All States recognise each other’s Design Registration.
- NOTE B: In those States that have incorporated the new WHS regulations it is necessary to apply for design registration in the State where the applicants registered office exists, although
design registration may be accepted in exceptional circumstances. The following states are yet to adopt the harmonised regulations: VIC & WA.
This information sheet is available to everyone on the TSHA site.