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We thought nothing of discussing with

our Yellow Pages representative, our

entire marketing strategy, and we paid

handsomely for their time.

Thankfully those days are well behind

us, and we can thank the internet. The

internet is changing the way our industry

does business. Every year it continues to

provide businesses with more efficient

ways of doing things, and marketing is

just one of these. The question is, if we

are no longer paying Yellow Pages, then

who are we paying and how are we most


The changing face of business in a multimedia world



Jeff Bernard, National President


Remember when

your meeting with

Yellow Pages was

a major event?

Determining the size

of the advertisement,

whether or not to

spend the extra on

color, positioning the

ad against existing

competitors on the same

page, or wait… taking

the entire page



We are well into 2016 in an election year

that has been unpredictable, from share

and commodity markets to the increased

global challenges of declining growth of

a major trading partner (China) and the

response to a shocking refugee crisis.

These ever present issues in a media

saturated world can seem overwhelming

at times, but a more productive and

positive focus can be found on initiating

improvements to our businesses or

workplace we can influence or control


Arguably, one of the most dynamic

improvements over the years has been

the internet. How has the internet

affected your business?

Remember when your meeting

with Yellow Pages was a major

event? Determining the size of the

advertisement, whether or not to spend

the extra on colour, positioning the ad

against existing competitors on the

same page, or wait… even considering

taking the entire page – big spender.

effectively marketing our services?

Despite the media doom and gloom, there

is much to look forward to in 2016. The

highlight being our ‘HIRE16 Connecting

People’ Convention at the Gold Coast

on the 5th and 6th May 2016. HIRE16

offers a collaborative meeting point for

the entire hire industry and associated

markets in Australia and beyond with

sales and exhibition time across indoor

exhibition halls as well as an outdoor

hands-on demonstration area, providing

focused networking opportunities for all


The daily seminars and quality keynote

speakers will educate and provide

further relevant knowledge applicable to

our industry and to implement in your


The Hire Industry Excellence Awards at

the Convention brings attention to the

outstanding and high achieving members

of the industry and is a great social

night. I look forward to catching up with

our fabulous MC for the evening Barry

McLeod and also our many friends on this

fabulous night.

Let’s make this Convention the best ever!

We look forward to seeing you on the

Gold Coast.

Jeff Bernard

National President

Last year,WorkSafe Victoria conducted

more than 8,700 inspections of Victorian

construction workplaces and issued

2,200 improvement notices.

Common issues included: hazardous

manual handling from lifting, pushing

and pulling; lack of fall protection;

unsafe use of power tools and

equipment; and slips, trips and falls from

poor housekeeping practices.

Go to

construction and learn what inspectors

look for, plus ways to continuously

improve the safety of the workplace.

WorkSafe inspects workplaces anytime