Hire and Rental News - Convention 2014 - page 9

MAY 2014 | HRIA
Standno: 148
Keep your business on themovewith
Baseplan’s field servicemobility solutions.
Baseplan Softwareoffers a rangeof field
andworkshop service solutions to further
enhance the responsiveness of your service
department. Frommobile, ruggedised tablets
to fixed in-vehicle systems, wehave you
covered. Jobs aredispatcheddirectly to the
field, allowing for real time feedbackon job
acceptance, location, timeon site andwork
carriedout, whichassists in completionof
detailed timesheets.
Unit 8, 11-13Cochrone St, Kincumber NSW
Ph: 024368 3007
Baytex is a leadingdesigner and
manufacturer ofmarquees, alloy-framed
structures, canopies and lining systems.
Withover 30 years experience throughout
Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK andEurope,
Baytex has built an international reputation
for quality, simplicity anddesign innovation.
Baytex is held inhigh regard for its:
• rangeof premiumquality products
• easeand speedof installation
• simplicity, performance anddesign
• commitment to after-sales service.
11aAdams Street, O’ConnorWA 6163
Ph: 089337 2811
Standno: 17
TheBOSBOX rangeof portablepower
boards solves theproblemof supplying
safe temporary powerwherever youmay
be. Bosbox is aheavy duty, tough as guts
portablepowerhouse. Apart from thegreat
rangeof standardboards Bosbox has tooffer,
you canalsohave any boardbuilt to your
specifications.Whether its threephase, single
phaseor even 32volt outlets you canhave a
board to suit you FAST!
3MeliadorWay,MidvaleWA 6056
Ph: 0892740508
Standno: 85&Outdoor stand: E4
Briteforce, Australiandesigner and
manufacturer of qualitymade lighting
towers. Our purposebuilt LED lights provide
2100sqm@ 100 Lux over double theoutput
of our nearest competitor.With five year
warranteeon lights anddrivers designed in
eight individualmodalswithnoglass lenses
or globes to replace the cost benefits of the
Briteforce LEDswill be realised immediately.
Our compact range stow sevenunits on
a 40 foot trailer and seven ina 40 foot
seacontainer. Saveover $6000per year fuel,
$5000per year onmaintenance, Ask about
1500+hour servicing.
7/22Mavis Street, RevesbyNSW 2212
Ph: 02 9796 7400
E: info@bseatedglobal.
Standno: 2
We are a leading supplier in theHire and
Rental Furniture.We areoffering a show
special on theResin FoldingChair
and theBentwood Stackable chairs.
Come and seeus at our stand tomeet our
staff anddiscuss our specials.
18-20 StamfordRoad, Oakleigh SouthVIC
Ph: 03 8527 6842
Standno: 103
CAPS is Australia’s largest independently-
owned compressed air company. During
thepast 30 years, the company has grown
tobecome a leading supplier of industrial
solutions to assist hire companies best service
their customer’s needs.Wedistribute and
support theAllmand rangeof portable
lighting towers, Kohler power generators and
Airman’s expansive rangeof portablediesel
andbox type air compressors.We’re also the
homeof the innovativeAirman crawler track
elevatedworkplatform (scissor lift),whichwe
proudly haveondisplay at this year’s event.
Caterpillar of Australia
1Caterpillar Dr, Tullamarine,MelbVIC 3043
Ph: 03 9953 9953
Standno: 129
Established in 1925Caterpillarmanufactures
more than 300differentmachines for various
industries and sets the standard that others
measure themselves by.We canmeet your
needs, not onlywithour equipment but also
withour distribution, product support and
financial systems, thus enabling you to keep
your businessworking for you.Weprovide
anunmatched level of supportwithour
DistributionCentreswhich stockmore than
240,000different parts numbers, delivering
99%of all partswithin 24hours.Withmore
than 80 locations throughout Australia and
New Zealand support is never far away.
ClarkEquipment Sales
POBox 124, AcaciaRidgeQLD 4110
Ph: 02 94778444
Standno: 145&Outdoor stand: E11
Clark Equipment brings thebignames in
equipment to the rental, construction,
mining, agricultural, and logistics sectors
of the economy. ClarkEquipment is the
national distributor for Bobcat andDoosan
construction equipment, Doosan Portable
Power, Sakai Rollers, CLARK forklifts, OMEGA
heavy forklift trucks andmore.
Clark Equipment is aBRW Top 500Australian
PrivateCompanywith approximately 500
employees, operating from approximately 20
company ownedbranches inmetropolitan
and regional centres across Australia. Our
branches showcaseour equipment range, and
offer parts and service support.
ColdCube (ThermokingAustralia) -
Ingersoll Rand
Suite 302/12Century Circuit, BaulkhamHills
NSW 2153
Ph: 02 8852 4102
Standno: 174
Designed andmanufacturedby ThermoKing,
ColdCube containers provideportable and
adaptive cooling and freezing for awide
variety of applications.
“TheColdCube is a self-contained,multi
voltage, portable refrigerated container,”
Peter Lawrence, ThermoKingRegional
Director for Australasia said. “All operators
need todo is buy aColdCube and slide it
in for an instant refrigerated van. These
unitswill revolutionise the small vehicle
refrigerated industry.”
ColdCubewill be available in six different
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...24
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