Hire and Rental News - Convention 2014 - page 5

MAY 2014 | HRIA
KeynoteDay 1
Michael Blaisdell,
Chairman, ARA
Michael Blaisdell, Vice
President of Bunce
Rental, Tacoma,
Washington, and
Chairmanof the
Association, recently completedhis term as
the51st President of ARA.Michael began
his career in rental in 1984 andhas been
an active volunteer leaderwithinARA.
Michael has servedon theARA Executive
Committee, TheRental ShowTask Force,
theAdvertising andMarketingCommittee
and theConstruction/General Tool Group.
KeynoteDay 1
DonAhern - Ahern
Rentals CEO and
Chairmanof the
Board&Owner of
DonAhernwas born
into the family rental company. In 1978,
Don started the aerial workplatform
division in Las Vegas and expanded into
California in 1982. AhernRentals has 80
locations across theUSA. DonAhern also
owns XtremeManufacturingwithoffices
in theUS andCanada, andnowwith the
acquisitionof Snorkel, hehas distribution
offices inAustralia, Japan, UK andNZ.
Keynote Speakers& Seminars
KeynoteDay 2
Adam Franklin
See the Possibilities of SocialMedia
Adam Franklin is an
international social
media speaker and
marketingmanager of
BluewireMedia – the
he co-founded in2005.
Adam co-created the
freeWeb Strategy
downloadedby tens of
thousands ofmarketersworldwide. Adam
has featuredon Smart Company’s Hot 30
Under 30 and theDynamic Business 2010
YoungGuns lists of youngentrepreneurs.
KeynoteDay 3
Adam Elliot
Life’s JourneyAlong
Adam Elliot has
of groups around
theworld including
corporategiants such
as Googleand
Apple. Adamhas becomeoneof the
world’s leading independent filmmakers
and ‘clay’ animators. He eclipsed threeof
Hollywood’s giants - Disney, Pixar and Fox
Studios, towinhisOscar for HarvieKrum-
pet –winning theAcademyAward for Best
Animatedfilm in 2004.
Seminar 1
- Pricing Techniques -
Jeff Eisenberg
Jeff Eisenberghas spent
18 years in equipment
rental. He startedand
ledGenie Financial
Services in Europe, and
has held senior
positions in European
rental companies, aswell
asworkingwith start-ups andacquisitions.
Most recently he spent five years at
Netherlands basedRiwal acquiring,
integrating companies after acquisition,
and implementingfinancial, budgeting
and control systems.
Seminar 2
Oliver Shtein andKimPowell.
Seminar 3
Events, BuildingCodes,
DisabilityAct, Toilets andCasual Staff
with TomO’Dowd.
Seminar 4
WorkCover, Training, VoC, CPD, App,
Inspections, Standards,WHS and
TransportwithPhilMiddleton, Chris Taylor,
PeterWenn andPeter Davis.
Seminar 5
Discussion Panel - Futureof
Hire Software - GPS, Software andMetrics.
Seminar 6
HIRE 14 Essentials - Fairwork
Australia, PrivacyAct and Insurancewith
Herb Fischbacher / ChaoNi of HRNet; and
OAMPs Insurance.
Building the
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