MAY 2013 | HIRE
| 17
The issues of the PPS Act continue to
plague the hire industry and clarification
from Canberra is not forthcoming which
the HRIA and EWPA and members are
finding extremely frustrating, Chief
Executive Officer Phil Newby said.
Just before Christmas, the
HRIA President, Mark Scarce
and Phil Newby with EWPA
President, Tim Nuttall, met
with the Attorney General
AG) and the AG’s policy
adviser, as well as Brendan
O’Connor who was the
then Minister for Small Business. (Further
frustrating the process, in recent times
both of these MPs have either resigned or
changed their portfolio, Phil said).
We believe some progress was made
in making the Attorney General aware of
the problems however the AG resigned to
the back bench and political uncertainty
continues. The change-over to a new AG
has again slowed progress in bringing this
issue to politicians.
The HRIA and EWPA have again written
to the newly appointed ministers and are
PPS Act continues to plague hire industry
now awaiting a reply. The industry needs
more case studies (examples) of the effects
of the PPSA such as liquidators claiming
equipment. Journalists are interested and
the HRIA and EWPA now have no choice
but to keep fighting this Act which has
been put into place without consultation
with industry and which is proving onerous
and costly.
We need three straight forward
changes to PPSA regulations to make this
legislation acceptable for the hire and
rental industry and we intend to continue
to bring this to the attention of the people
that can enact these changes.
While we continue to progress this
challenge on a number of fronts if these
efforts continue to come to nothing we
will be calling for the help and support
of all members to fully publicise the
contradictions of this Act and the threat it
is to ownership of plant by our members.
HRIA and EWPA members may need to
be inspired to start putting pen to paper.
A request for members and major
companies to write to
their local MP to present
our case the hire and
rental industry should
not fall under the PPS
Act is the possible next
The submission the
association made to the AG will be made
available to all members. The four page
document will get the key points out to all
members and enable members to argue
the industry’s point, Phil said.
In the meantime, make sure you have
a Master Agreement Hire Schedule to
ensure you are covered from possible legal
ramifications of the fallout of the PPSA.”
Contact the HRIA on 02 9998 2255 or
or the
EWPA on 02 9998 2222 or visit:
if these efforts continue to come to nothing we
will be calling for the help and support of all members
to fully publicise the contradictions of this Act....”
Healy Group
Manufacturers & Distributors
Tel (02) 9525 5522 -